The Native Plant Sale team is seeking volunteers to help with plant pick up, organization, and delivery May 20 and 21.

Drivers Needed Friday, May 20 (afternoon)

We need individuals who own large vehicles (vans, pick ups, or SUVs) and can drive to Framingham to pick up plants at the Native Plant Trust (180 Hemenway Rd, Framingham, MA) and deliver them to the Needham Community Farm where they will be sorted.

Plant organizers Needed Friday, May 20 (afternoon/evening)

We need volunteers to sort plants into bundles so that they are ready for pick up by buyers. We will have 60 bundles, each with approximately 8 plants, for a total of 480 plants that will need sorting.

Car loaders Needed Saturday, May 21 (morning/midday)

On our actual plant pick up date we need volunteers to help load plants into the vehicles of the buyers. Buyers will be given a time window during which they will have to pick up their plants, and we will need volunteers there during that window.

We are also seeking volunteers who can help publicize the plant sale from March through May.

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Feel free to ask a question or provide additional information.

Thanks for your interest in volunteering with Green Needham!

Help Native Plant Sale team with their May sale

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