Content Source:   Eversource: One Pager PDF Oct.pdf

Project Need:
As part of its ongoing commitment to deliver reliable energy and superior service to its customers, Eversource is proposing to replace an existing 115-kilovolt (kV) underground transmission line in the Dover, Needham and Westwood area. Eversource routinely evaluates the condition of its infrastructure to provide reliable electric service to the community. The existing transmission line was installed in 1967 and is nearing the end of its design life expectancy. As a result, it was determined this line should be replaced. The proposed project is part of a larger program Eversource is conducting throughout its service territory in Connecticut and Massachusetts called the Underground Cable Modernization Program (UCMP). This program is designed to modernize and increase the capacity of the existing underground transmission cable systems by replacing existing fluid-filled cable with cross-linked polyethylene cable. The existing transmission lines are high pressure fluid-filled (HPFF), and the replacement lines will be solid dielectric cross-linked polyethylene (XLPE). Replacing the existing HPFF with XLPE is designed to modernize the existing electric transmission system, increase reliability, enable Eversource to better access this cable as needed for future maintenance and align with the Commonwealth’s goals to achieve net zero carbon emission standards by 2050. The proposed transmission system improvements proactively increase system reliability by:

  • Mitigating the risk of potential supply obsolescence and upgrade to a system technology with a greater life expectancy
  • Reducing occurrence of unplanned outages which may require the need for emergency replacement / repair
  • Eliminating the risk of oil leaks from existing HPFF cables
  • Potentially increasing line capacity for future load growth

Project Description:
• In the Dover, Needham & Westwood area, the proposed project includes replacement of a 1.3-mile existing underground transmission line. The route is between the Chestnut Street substation in Needham and the Westfield Street Station located in Westwood along the Westwood-Dover Town boundary.
• The proposed replacement lines will follow the same or similar route whenever possible, under the roadway.
• Once all local and state approvals have been received, construction will include excavation for the cable system trench and vault/cable installation. Following completion of construction, Eversource will coordinate with affected municipalities on restoration.
• Equipment upgrades will be required at the Dover and Needham stations to accommodate the connection of
the XLPE cable. This work will occur within the existing footprint of the stations.

Siting & Permitting:
This Project requires a 72D Submission to the Department of Public Utilities (DPU). Eversource intends to submit its filing in Q1 of 2025

Community Outreach:
Eversource is committed to engaging city officials, residents, businesses, community groups and other interested stakeholders about the Project through meaningful engagement. Our team strives to incorporate local feedback as feasible. Project team members will remain engaged with the community throughout the Project to provide updates on the schedule and address questions and concerns. Information about the Project is available in Spanish and other languages upon request.

Anticipated Project Schedule*:

Massachusetts EFSB/DPU Filing: Q1 2025
Start of Construction:  Q4 2026
Estimated In-Service Date:  Q3 2029

*Dates subject to change pending all necessary approvals

For more information on the Project or to contact a Project representative to discuss, please visit our
website at To sign up for project updates please use this link.


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