Green Products for You and Your Home

Needham High School - Room 206 Webster St, Needham

Do you ever walk into a store and feel completely overwhelmed by the array of personal care and home cleaning products and their claims to be safe and natural? If so, this class is for you! We will cover some


The Climate Crisis – Why Only a Movement Can Save Us

First Parish in Concord 20 Lexington St., Concord

Craig Altemose, Executive Director of the Better Future Project, is the inspiring young, activist leader of a strong climate action movement in Massachusetts. He became a climate activist after earning a law degree from Harvard Law School. He speaks knowledgeably


It’s Not Waste Until it’s Wasted

Congregational Church of Needham 1154 Great Plain Ave, Needham

Join the Environmental Ministry Team of the Congregational Church of Needham at their Climate Change Café for a conversation with Ann Dorfman, Superintendent, Recycling and Solid Waste Division, Department of Public Works, Needham, MA. Ever wonder what happens to materials you


Mass Energy Consumers Alliance annual meeting

Intercontinental Boston 510 Atlantic Ave, Boston, MA

Join Mass Energy Consumers Alliance for their 31st Annual Meeting where they will recognize leaders in renewable energy and energy efficiency. The meeting on October 30th is free and open to the public. The meeting is from 5:30 pm to

EPA Public Listening Session on Reducing Carbon Pollution from Existing Power Plants

US EPA New England Office Memorial Hall, 5 Post Office Square, Boston, MA

On November 4th, the Environmental Protection Agency will hold a public listening session in Boston to solicit ideas and input from the public and stakeholders about the best Clean Air Act approaches to reducing carbon pollution from existing power plants.

Solar 101 Workshop – Fall 2013

Needham High School 609 Webster St., Neeham, MA

Postponed! -- Due to the anticipated 2nd night for November's Special Town meeting, to be held on November 6th, we have to find a new date for this session. We also now know that the Massachusetts Clean Energy Center expects


Economic Growth: Problem or Panacea

First Parish in Needham, Unitarian Universalist 23 Dedham Ave., Needham, MA

Have we outgrown the planet? Is there an alternative to perpetual economic and population growth?  A free showing of the film "Growthbusters: Hooked on Growth" will take place at First Parish in Needham, 23 Dedham Ave., on Sunday, November 17


Discussion: a Revenue-neutral Carbon Tax as a “Good Tax”

Babson’s Sorenson Theatre 231 Forest Street, Wellesley

Come hear some of Boston’s preeminent scholars, economists and activists explain how a revenue-neutral carbon tax could revolutionize our economy and unite Republicans and Democrats in the fight against climate change.  Could such a tax accelerate the transition to a

The Politics of Climate Change

Diana Chapman Walsh Alumnae Hall Auditorium Diana Chapman Walsh Alumnae Hall, Wellesley College, MA

Madeleine Albright, Secretary of State from 1997-2001, and Carol Browner, former administrator of the EPA, will present a lecture at Wellesley College about the politics of climate change. The event is free and open to the public. The public dialogue


Global Warming: How it Will Affect New England Forests & Trees

Dr. Pamela Templer, (PhD -- Boston University), will discuss her regional and local study of the health of our trees, and her unique observations drawn from years of studying the effects of greenhouse geo-climate change in both urban and forest
