“Water Rising – The Impact on Humanity” Lecture

England Aquarium Simons IMAX Theater Central Wharf, Boston, MA

Women Working for Oceans (W2O), in partnership with the New England Aquarium, will present "Water Rising: The Impact on Humanity on April 9 in Boston. This event includes a special free lecture at 11am in the Aquarium’s Simons IMAX® Theater,


Earth Day at the Library

Needham Public Library 1139 Highland Ave, Needham

Earth Day Events for Children at the Nedham Public Library 10 and 11 am - earth-themed storytimes for children ages 2-5 11 am  "Bugs for Brunch" with David Gracer for children 6 and up 1 pm - Nature Crafts for


Green Decade Newton: “The Power of One Voice” Film Showing

Newton Free Library, Druker Auditorium 330 Homer St., Newton

Please join Green Decade Newton for our Wednesday, April 22 at 7pm Earth Day Program - “The Power of One Voice” film & discussion. This new film examines the life of Rachel Carson and the profound impact of her book,


Peace and Planet Rally in NYC

NYC , New York City, NY

On April 24-26, the international community will have a great gathering in NYC.   Thousands will attend from many European countries and Japan. Conferences will be held on Friday and Saturday with speakers calling for abolition of nuclear weapons, and the

16th Annual Earth Day Charles River Cleanup

The 16th Annual Earth Day Charles River Cleanup will take place on Saturday, April 25, 2015 at various sites on the Charles, from Bellingham to Boston. Individuals, families and groups are welcome to participate and join The Charles River Watershed Association


Bee-wise with Kerrie Capraro

Learn about the precious honeybee from beekeeper Kerrie Capraro!  A one-hour presentation on bees and beekeeping, with an opportunity to see and try tools of the trade as well as the prized honey.


Needham Adult Education: Green Products For You and Your Home

Needham HIgh School - Room 203

Jennifer Gibbs, Instructor Do you ever walk into a store and feel completely overwhelmed by the array of personal care and home cleaning products and their claims to be safe and natural? If so, this class is for you! We


Talk on Carbon Pricing Legislation

Needham Historical Society 1147 Central Ave., Needham, MA

State Senator Michael Barrett will be speaking at the Needham Democratic Town Committee meeting on Thursday, April 30, at 7:30 pm at the Needham Historical Society, 1147 Central Avenue, (parking is in the Newman School lot). His talk will begin

Attracting Bees and Butterflies to Your Backyard (Kid’s Program)

Needham Public Library 1139 Highland Ave, Needham

For ages 5 and up with an accompanying adult Fun with Earth Dumplings:  Making Clay Seed balls to attract Bee and Butterfly-friendly plants to your garden. Larissa Jacobsen of the Needham Community Farm will describe the work that they do
