Part 2: 10% Challenge Success Stories

When Joanne Kneeland happened upon Green Needham Chairman Michael Greis talking about ways to save energy on the Needham Channel, she kept watching. The program sought to educate viewers about energy savings, rebates, and programs such as the HEAT Loan Program, which gives consumers a 0% loan to assist in the installation of qualified energy efficient home improvements. “That really piqued my interest,” Kneeland explained. “I found the show fascinating.”

Letter to the Board of Selectmen on becoming a Green Community

Last summer, at the Selectmen’s Goals Summit, I urged the board to make becoming a Massachusetts Green Community one of its goals. I pointed out that many of the Selectmen’s existing goals – financial sustainability, energy savings, effective use of resources, increasing town revenue, economic development, improving health and welfare, instituting environmentally sound practices – are Green Community goals. Meeting the requirements to become a Green Community would in fact advance those goals.

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