Needham took a step toward deploying solar PV at the closed landfill this past Tuesday, September 11th, when the Board of Selectmen voted to appoint a Solar Exploratory Committee. The committee will have the ability to also look at possibilities
Solar PV at the RTS and Home Energy Savings – Green Needham’s 2012-13 Initiatives
Green Needham’s September newsletter featured our two priority initiatives for 2012-13: Solar PV at the RTS – getting solar PV installed at the RTS to provide renewable energy and cost savings for the town Home Energy Savings – building on
Who would pay for it?
There are multiple options for developing a PV array, but they break out into two general categories: land lease, where the municipality leases land to a private solar developer who builds, owns and operates the facility. The municipality incurs little
How much electricity could be generated by a PV installation at the RTS?
Based on preliminary assessments, Green Needham believes that the area top of the capped landfill could support a 2-3 Megawatt (MW) Solar PV system. A 2 MW system would generate about 2.3 million kilowatt hours (kWh) of electricity per year,
Green Needham Participates in Volante’s Farm Field Day Event This Saturday
On Saturday August 18th, from 10 a.m. – 2 p.m., join Green Needham at Volante Farms to celebrate this year’s success in connecting Needham residents to residential energy efficiency programs. In addition to enjoying Volante’s Farm Field Day events and
Boiler replacement rebate program extended through September 30th
As a result of the tremendous customer interest and success to date, Mass Save is extending the boiler replacement rebate pilot program we told you about in June. If you have a boiler that’s at least thirty years old, you’ll
Bottled up, again
For nearly fifteen years, Massachusetts legislators and supporters have been trying to pass an expanded bottle bill that would treat all beverage containers similarly, ending the nonsensical distinction between carbonated beverages (subject to the deposit) and non-carbonated beverages (not subject
Up to $3,500 rebate for replacing an old boiler now
Do you have an old boiler that should be replaced but you’ve been holding off because of the expense, or because you only think about it during the winter when it’s cold and there’s a long wait? If your boiler
Recycling pilot featured on the Needham Channel news
This week’s Needham Channel News included a report on the pilot program for recycling containers in public places. httpv:// Green Needham and the Interfaith Environmental Network worked with the Department of Public Works, the Park & Recreation Commission and the
EPA Eco-explorers grant wraps up with an open house
The EPA eco-explorers team from the Needham Public Schools and its community partners are wrapping up two years of work on their EPA grant this spring with an Open House on June 7th at the Mitchell School. The Eco-Explorers Leadership