Living Green in Needham

Greening Your Electricity Options

Make a difference – choose a green power option for your electricity

This section of Living Green in Needham explains how any electric customer can bring more renewable energy into the grid. For some people, solar panels are a great choice, and we provide information about that option, but for many, this is not an option.

Fortunately, even if you are not a candidate for solar, there are a growing number of green energy choices.

Greening Your Electricity, a March, 2015 program presented by Green Needham Collaborative

Explore Living Green in Needham to get more of your questions answered:  specific local information  about reuse/recycling opportunities and local transportation, with more to come as the project evolves.

If you have questions, comments, additions, or would like to get involved in the “Living Green in Needham” project, please email us at

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