Next Monday, May 6, Needham’s annual Town Meeting will begin.  The Green Needham Plastics Reduction Team has submitted Warrant Article 45, a Citizens’ Petition to ban certain single-use plastics, for consideration by Town Meeting members.  This bylaw seeks to expand on the plastic bag ban bylaw we passed last year, by replacing single-use plastic items with more sustainable alternatives. If passed, polystyrene food containers, plastic stirrers, and plastic splash guards (which fit into the sip-hole of a cup lid to prevent splashing) would be prohibited starting January 1, 2025.  In addition, plastic straws would be available only when requested by patrons.

Because research continues to demonstrate serious and mounting concerns about the impact of plastic pollution on the environment and human health, Green Needham feels strongly that it is important to take urgent steps to reduce single-use plastics in our community. While the initial bylaw included a ban on plastic water bottles, an amendment has been introduced to remove plastic water bottles from the petition. Green Needham received mixed feedback from various stakeholders and Town Meeting members, and we were concerned that the rest of the bylaw might not pass if water bottles were included. In the future, we will continue to evaluate additional ways to reduce single-use plastics in Needham.

The Plastics Reduction Team is passionate about this issue because we are concerned about our children and future generations. We feel it is our duty to protect our youth and ensure they inherit a healthy and sustainable planet.  We need your help to make sure this bylaw passes.  Please reach out to your Town Meeting Members to encourage them to support this important bylaw.

How to find your Precinct

You can look at this map or check your address online using the Massachusetts Elections Division website.

Use the Contact forms below to write a short note of support to your Town Meeting Members.

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Help Reduce Plastics: Contact Your Town Meeting Members This Weekend
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