GREAT NEWS: The Mass. Legislature has passed a dramatic revision of our state climate laws.  An Act Creating a Next-Generation Roadmap for Massachusetts Climate Policy (S.2995) is the strongest effort of its kind in the country.

WE ARE NOT QUITE FINISHED:  Please urge the Governor to sign S.2995, the new climate bill, by emailing him here or calling his office at (617) 725-4005, telling him why it is important to you. Then, share this request with friends and family in the Commonwealth via social media or any way you can.

This legislation moves us forward in some important ways:

  1. Including environmental justice into Massachusetts law and providing new tools and protections for affected neighborhoods.
  2. Raising offshore wind to another level, requiring utilities to purchase an additional 2,400 megawatts of generation. Builds on previous legislation action and increases the state’s total authorization to 5,600 megawatts, a substantial portfolio.
  3.  Boosting demand for renewable energy by raising the Renewable Energy Portfolio Standard (RPS) by 3% each year for 2025-2029, ensuring that at least 40% of the state’s electric power will be renewable by 2030.
  4. Allowing for a local option “net-zero stretch energy code” and adding 4 energy efficiency seats to the Board of Building Regulations & Standards.

We thank the work of legislators and advocates who have gotten us this far.

Advocates at Mass Climate Action Network (MCAN) have some talking points and information about Social Media messages here.

Thank you!

Get Climate Bill Across the Finish Line — Call/Write TODAY!
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