Green Needham and Sustainable Wellesley are thrilled to invite you to a special screening of Plastic People: The Hidden Crisis of Microplastics, an award-winning 2024 documentary investigating our addiction to plastic and the growing threat of microplastics on human health. The showing will take place on Thursday, March 27th at the Newman Elementary School Auditorium.
Almost every bit of plastic ever made breaks down into “microplastics.” These microscopic particles drift in the air, float in all bodies of water, and mix into the soil, becoming a permanent part of the environment.
Now, leading scientists are finding these particles in our bodies: organs, blood, brain tissue, and even the placentas of new mothers. What is the impact of these invisible invaders on our health? And can anything be done about it?
Acclaimed author and science journalist Ziya Tong takes a personal approach by visiting leading scientists around the world and undergoing experiments in her home, on her food, and her body while collaborating with award-winning director Ben Addelman in an urgent call to action for all of us to rethink our relationship with plastic.
Join us early to view informational displays from the event cosponsors and stay for a moderated discussion to learn more about local initiatives and how you can become involved in solutions.
Thursday, March 27, 2025
Newman Elementary School Auditorium
1155 Central Avenue Needham, MA 02492
6:30 to 7:00 p.m. – Informational Displays by Cosponsors
7:00 to 8:30 p.m. – Film Screening
8:30 to 9:00 p.m. – Moderated Discussion
Tickets are free. Click here to register.
Since its premier at the SXSW film festival, Plastic People has only been screened at film festivals and community-sponsored events. Do not miss your chance to see this eye-opening film!
Special thanks to our cosponsors: Needham High School Environmental Action Club, Needham Public Health Department, Needham League of Women Voters, Wellesley Climate Action Committee, Sustainable Wellesley, and Wellesley Health Department.