Needham’s Climate Action Roadmap will be introduced at a public meeting on Wednesday, June 5th from 6-7 p.m. at Powers Hall. Come see what the Town (and you!) can do to combat Climate Change and make Needham more resilient to the effects of warming temperatures. Hosted by the Town’s Climate Action Planning Committee, the event will include an overview of the Roadmap and the process by which it was developed, as well as a brief presentation of accomplishments to date, climate hazards, Needham’s greenhouse gas emissions assessment, and identified priority actions. The presenters will also discuss what comes next: How will we use and update the Roadmap  in the coming months and years?

There will be ample time for questions and discussion. The forum will be in-person only and will be recorded by The Needham Channel for later viewing.

Reminder: Climate Action Roadmap Will Be Introduced on Wednesday, June 5!
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