How does the typical Needham (or any suburban) home contribute to climate change and how can these homes become part of the solution rather than part of the problem?

On Tuesday, May 30, at 7:30 p.m.,  First Parish in Needham will present a Lane Lyceum — “The Climate Crisis and How to Reduce Your Carbon Footprint.”  The Zoom presentation will explore what homeowners can do to reduce their homes’  carbon footprint, including weatherization, converting to heat pumps, solar, and Electric Vehicles.

The program will feature Ed Quinlan, Green Needham’s “Ask the Expert,” who worked as a consulting engineer for 40 years, helping large building  owners make their buildings more energy efficient. In his retirement, Ed has consulted with and advised more than 90 households who are considering sustainable retrofits for their homes.

Ed will be joined by Claire and Jan Galkowski, who will give a brief presentation and answer questions about how they upgraded their traditional split-level home to make it a “net-zero” home.

Zoom link for this program.  Ed can be reached through Green Needham’s Ask the Expert page.

Adapting Your Home for the Future
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