At its June 26th meeting, The Needham Select Board unanimously approved the staff recommendation to incorporate both 2700K and 3000K LED streetlights in the rollout of the Town’s LED Streetlight conversion project. The warmer 2700K lights will be installed on all local roads and the 3000K lights on higher-traffic through streets.

The streetlight replacement project was originally scoped with 3000K lighting. At the time of the pilot and RFP, 3000K streetlights were the “warmest” (color temperature) fixtures generally available. As described in our June 11th article, “Select Board to discuss installation options for LED streetlight project on June 12th“, incorporating warmer 2700k lighting was now a viable option.

Public Services Director of Finance and Administration Carys Lustig collaborated with Wellesley’s Municipal Light plant to take advantage of their experience with 2700K lighting. Wellesley’s retrofit, expected to be completed this summer, also features 2700K lighting on local roads and 3000K lighting on larger through streets. Wellesley and now Needham will be among the first communities in Massachusetts to install 2700K street lighting.

Shielding will be available for installation on lights in close proximity to residences where glare is a problem. The Town will also be able to purchase lighting controls that will allow the lights to be dimmed remotely. Shielding (which requires a physical installation on a light) and dimming are effective techniques for matching light intensity and quality to needs (safety, visibility) and preferences (reducing glare and spillover into homes).

Following the Select Board’s approval, the Town will proceed with awarding a bid for the preferred lights and installation services in August. Installation will be completed by November to meet the requirements of the MAPC grant supporting the project.

Show list of Through Streets where 3000K lights will be installed
Needham Select Board gives go-ahead to installation of 2700 k and 3000 k LED streetlights

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