Needham took a step toward deploying solar PV at the closed landfill this past Tuesday, September 11th, when the Board of Selectmen voted to appoint a Solar Exploratory Committee. The committee will have the ability to also look at possibilities for other town-owned land and buildings. The committee’s focus is practical and action-oriented. They are being asked to evaluate options, costs, benefits and implementation and operating considerations and report back to the Selectmen.

The Committee will be made up of seven members, with the Superintendent of Solid Waste and Recycling serving as an additional, ex-officio member. The committee should include members with relevant expertise, so volunteers with expertise in alternative energy and energy facility installation or management are particularly encouraged to apply. Financial analysis and project finance are also relevant skills.

Needham residents interested in serving on the Solar Exploratory Committee should send a letter of interest including relevant qualifications to Sandy Cincotta, ( in the Town Manager’s office.

Selectmen vote to appoint Solar Exploratory Committee
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