House: 100 years old 1800 square feet
Household size: 2 adults

System Description: Radiant heating was installed under the kitchen and back hall floor to replace an old radiator in the cabinet under the sink. For more information about radiant heating, visit the government’s EERE: energy savers website
Other recent energy saving-measures: All walls of the house were insulated with blown-in, dense-packed cellulose. Spray foam insulation was added around the basement sills and rigid foam collars were put in around hot water pipes in the basement. Rope caulk and foam draft shields were put in gaps in old windows (they are removed each spring). Incandescent light bulbs were replaced with compact fluorescents bulbs (CFL’s). For kitchen remodeling, ENERGY STAR refrigerator, dishwasher, and washing machine were purchased. Cellular shades were installed. Click here Home energy saving actionss, click here. [Home Energy Savings Actions rev2 copy.pdf]
Heat setting: 65 degrees during the day, 60 degrees at night.
Heating and cooling system: Oil furnace, radiators, radiant floor heating. No air conditioning
Installation of radiant heating: Bob Gagnon Plumbing & Heating – Radiant Heat Specialist
- Price of Radiant floor heating – $9,300
Results: 736 gallons of oil were used for the 2010-2011 heating season, approximately a 20% decrease as compared to past years. Biggest savings appeared to have come from insulation.