Spring is a great time for a fresh start, moving and renovating. If you’re planning a fresh look this Spring, check out the following:
- Have you heard of the Boston Building Materials Coop? They provide high quality materials at a reasonable cost and to teach people how to maintain and improve their homes. It’s also a great place to donate items from your home during a renovation, like cabinet sets, windows, trimwork, radiators, and other items that someone else might love in their house. For more info:http://www.bbmc.com/bbmc/index.html
- Another great place to send those items that you don’t want, but which still work (replacing major appliances, for example) is Habitat for Humanity, which runs “ReSale Stores” across MA. More info at: http://www.habitat.org/env/restores.aspx
Recycle/Reuse major home items